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Social Media - Visibility is Your Friend

Updated: Sep 23

social media visibility is key

Are you working to stay visible to your prospect? It might be the most effective use of time and money. Why? Because your prospect won't need your product or services every day - but you need to be in the forefront of their mind when they do. Developing and executing a strategy to stay visible - can deliver results.


If you look at your addressable target audience by industry, size, geography and other metrics - you'll soon understand more about them, and the potential way your solutions can help them with their issues. Buyers of product and service now-a-days are educated and do a lot of diagnosis and research on their own. They also spend a lot of time on social media and in forums that are inside of their focus areas. They won't need you most times, but in any given week, they could be in the middle of an effort to identify solutions to research. You won't know what week that is - or any details most times. How are they going to know about you and the problems you and your company can solve? That's your task to solve.


Utilize your opportunity that exist in "owned media" (your website, your social company pages, your website), "paid media" (fractional services you can contract for like ads, key words, promotions, marketing automation) and "earned media" (leveraging activity you can generate from any category by interest in your brand, like ratings, certifications, qualifications, references) to drive results. You'll need a plan and a strong group of tasks to execute.


The costs to deliver your message across social media, marketing automation, website, and marketing efforts can be small if you have the skills, tools and time to do these in-house. That won't always describe small business, where many hats are worn and marketing budgets don't exist - or only increase with revenue and successful organic growth. Hiring the talent to increase your chances of staying visible and relevant can be prohibitive. Hiring out "fractional services" to the right outsourcer to augment existing skills can be your answer.


Generating a "leads/inquiries-per week culture" is the outcome when done properly, and a statistical ratio of these follow-up - turn into closed revenue and new customer relationships. Tuning your plan and mining data from the results is key to sustaining the effort across the year. Inertia builds and good things happen. It's not an easy process to design or deliver - but one you must do to support selling teams and your brand. Stay visible to be viable - when your educated prospect needs answers - and recognizes that you are someone they need to talk to. Check out our podcast on SPOTIFY for insights.

Let us know how we can help. Our fractional services are affordable and can be integrated to your current team - or we can be "the team" alone. Questions?

No worries, reach us at:

LouMac Strategies llc

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